How To Get Absolutely Anything You Want

ImageHave you ever stopped and wondered why most people seem to constantly be STUCK in confusion and struggle? Then, there is a small group of people who seem to get EVERYTHING they want time and time again. Have you also noticed how only a few entrepreneurs working in their own home business thrive, but most are frustrated, broke, and confused? Most of these home business owners have to continue working at their regular JOB, living from paycheck to paycheck, and never seem to make any progress.

One of the main reasons why this happens is because there is a lack of CLARITY. Things do not happen by chance, fate, or good luck. I believe that most people have a really good idea of what they’d like to see show up in their life, but most lack clarity and focus and an understanding of how to obtain it. You can have anything you want, if you will take the steps to clearly define what it is.

Clarity is an absolutely essential ingredient for you to achieve your full potential in life and in business. In Napoleon Hill’s classic book “Think & Grow Rich,” he said “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” He goes on to explain why having clearly defined what you want to achieve is a critical factor in your success. If you have never read the book, you should.

Clarity is defined as clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity. For entrepreneurs who truly want to be “on purpose” for success and take their business to the next level, I define “clarity” as determining exactly what results you want to achieve, when you want to achieve them, and how you are going to overcome problems and situations that stand in your way. The key word in this definition is “exactly.” If you don’t make the time to define your goal in exact terms, you are not setting yourself up for success. Instead, you are setting yourself up for just a wild guess.

A goal that is not clearly defined will not be clearly achieved. Unless you take the time to define the entire goal upfront, even if a small portion of it may be achieved, you will not be completely satisfied with the results. Without clarity, you and your business moves from place to place like a ship without a rudder. But with clarity, your life is lived out “on purpose” and you will create amazing results — both for you and in your business.

Let me give you an example. Not long ago I worked with an young entrepreneur named Don who had a direct sales company in the weight loss product industry. Don had some aggressive ideas for what he wanted to achieve, but they were not defined in much detail. He also knew that he wanted to achieve a lot of results in a short period of time, but he was not clear about how he was going to do it. In other words, Don was just like many business owners whom I have met over the years. He wanted to accomplish a lot, but he needed help gaining clarity about his ultimate goal, his timeframe for achieving it, and a strategic plan to get there.

The first thing I did was to coach Don to help him identify his most important short-term goal. Once that was done, Don and I worked together to figure out what timeframe was going to be our target for achieving this goal. And once we had clarity with our goal and the target timeline, we develop a strategic action plan to get it done.

So how can you learn from Don’s example? How do you find success and develop clarity for yourself and your business goals? Here is a step by step process to get you started:

  1. Get a clear understanding of what you want. What do want to accomplish and why do you want to do it. How big is your “WHY?” If your “why” is not big enough, you will not stay on course. The winds of adversity will derail you and you will lose your bearing.
  2. What would you like to achieve in the next 90 days? Clearly define the end-results you want to see accomplished from your efforts. To do this, you have to look at what you have accomplished in the last 90 days. If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will probably get the same results. Is that what you want? If not, what are you willing to change in order to accomplish what you want? How will you measure your activities to gauge your effectiveness? Do you need more skills or experience? Do you have the right attitudes to see improved results? Based on this, is what you want to achieve realistic? If not, redefine your goal.
  3. Define what you will personally get as a reward for achieving this goal? Ask: (WITFM) “What’s in it for me?” Why is this important? It is in our nature to be competitive. We want to win. We are conditioned to win, and we want to get the prize. It is motivational, but more importantly it is a stepping stone to our subsequent successes. Success is built on achieving one goal at a time.
  4. Write it out. Clearly define your goal in positive and definitive terms. Make it a S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, and Realistic, with a the target of 90 days) goal.
  5. Develop a detailed plan of action. There must to be a strategy and a list of highly leveraged activities that will produce the results you want. Without this, it really isn’t a goal; it’s a fantasy.
  6. Communicate your goal to others and ask for their support in helping you attain it. It is important to have a support system in place. We all need a cheering section. We need the encouragement and support of those around us who care. This also produces accountability. You make yourself accountable to see it through, and you make a commitment to yourself and your support team.

There is hope for a brighter future. You can set new goals with clarity and get your life back on track and secure your future. I would like to help you. Go to and register for instant access to my free guide on how to say “yes” to your full potential.

Make a list of the things that are holding you back from living out your vision. Give me a call at 866-801-8387. Lets talk about how I can help you become a successful entrepreneur and develop a blueprint for generating an income that will give you the lifestyle of your dreams.

Time To Change – Average vs. Successful

ImageDo you like being evaluated? How do you rate yourself? Fair, Good, Very Good? In today’s world people are compared, scored, measured, and graded. Out of hundreds of applicant’s, only one is hired. What was wrong with all the others? Did they not score high enough, or were they considered as being just average. In today’s competitive world, competition is so high. There are winners and losers. Most of us would like to be on that winning side, but usually there is only one winner.

So, what is wrong with average? After all, most of us are just your average people, people who do well, but not necessarily excel in anything. Even if we enjoy a certain hobby or activity, are we going to be the best there is? Probably not, but if we are doing it, isn’t it okay just to do what we can? At work, we don’t want to make enemies, so isn’t it okay just to do what everyone else is doing?

The answer to this is that if you want to be average, not make waves, and live a settle for life, it is okay to be average. In fact 92.6 percent of Americans make less than $100,000 a year and struggle from paycheck to paycheck. ( – 2013). The annual median US household income is $46,326. This means that half of the families in the US are living on incomes of less than 46,326 dollars. When dual income households are considered alone, they have an annual median income of $67,348. ( – 2014). This is average. Is this what you want? Do you really want to be average? If so, then you need to stop reading.

When you (finally) get tired of being average – tired of being less than what you can be, then it is time to change. It’s necessary, or you will go insane. You know, insanity. That is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. That’s what average people do.

If you truly want to live the lifestyle of your dreams, you have to change into a more confident person. This is certainly true to be a successful entrepreneur. The average person thinks that they are not good enough, not tall enough or skinny enough, not smart enough, old or young enough, or some other concept of not being enough. But you have to eliminate this type of thinking in order to break away from being average and truly live up to your potential. To be successful, you must have a strong belief in you and believe that you can live and deserve to live the life that is not average.

There is a time in your life that you come to a point where you just decide that you have had enough of mediocrity – namely, your own. Not the world around you. Not the nonsense on television. Not your work commitments, your colleagues, or your social group. YOU decide that YOU demand more of YOU!

And that change in your thinking can start right now. Not tomorrow when you wake up. Not next week after you have had time to think about it. Right this very second. It is not okay to be average. Average is the enemy to excellence. This is the first thing that has to change – your attitude.

In his book “Attitude Is Everything,” Jeff Keller describes his findings after researching why some people are successful while others only have disappointing results. His main conclusion after interviewing hundreds of people is that having the positive, right attitude makes all the difference. It governs the way we perceive the world and the way the world perceives us. It causes us to take full advantage of our opportunities or brings about self-doubt and limits our abilities.

Our attitudes reveal who we are—what we value, how we think, and what we’re after. Attitude is defined as either a positive or hostile disposition or state of mind. Our feelings, thoughts, and points of view form our attitudes, and no matter how we develop them, attitudes become features like traits and characteristics that can work for or against our success. The harsh reality is that attitude is more important to our being successful than being talented. A talented person with a negative attitude will only be average.

Next, you may have to change the people you run with. People who are satisfied with being average have no value to offer you. Their knowledge, attitudes, and discipline is what led them to their current circumstances. So, is this the influence you want on your life?

Running with people who do not share your success-conscious attitude will further cement the mentality that mediocrity is the way we humans are supposed to be. The average person does not want to improve your self-esteem in comparison to themselves. Average minds will attract average people. Success-conscious people think alike, and this is the type of person you want to run with. This is the mentor you should have to encourage you when things get tough.

Next, you have to change from negative to positive thinking. I know, there are libraries full of books on positive thinking, but how well have YOU mastered it? To live the life of your dreams, you have to master it.

The baby mosquito certainly mastered positive thinking quite well. After coming back from his first flight, his Father asked, “How was it?” The baby replied, “Dad, it was wonderful. Everyone was clapping for me.”

A positive attitude is one of most important and powerful forces that will take you from a mediocre life to a life of freedom. You definitely want this force working for you. To get you going in the right direction, you should do the following:

1. Expect good things to happen.

William James, the father of American psychology stated that almost everything you expect to happen in life happens. If you expect a dull and dreary life, you’ll probably get it. But if you enthusiastically expect good things to happen, they probably will.

I encourage you to expect good things to happen today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and the next several years. Write them down. Define your goals, where you want to go, what you want to do, and who you want to be. Not only will you have a better attitude and greater success, you’ll also have more enthusiasm as you anticipate the coming of those good things.

2. Reveal the positive in every situation.

No matter what the situation, there is always a positive. Some see it, but the average do not. In fact, this is the distinguishing characteristic of an enthusiastic, optimistic individual. The optimist “sees” the opportunity in every difficulty whereas the pessimist “sees” the difficulty in every opportunity.

To become more positive, you need to purposely, consciously reveal the positive in every situation. As I was flying out to work with a client a few years ago, a number of circumstances caused me to miss my flight and I had a long layover. As I perused the book section in the airport, I was intrigued by this book “PIVOT: How One Turn In Attitude Can Lead To Success.” I opened it up, looked at it, and wondered if it would be a good book. I started reading and was impressed. Alan Zimmerman’s thoughts seemed to mirror mine, yet articulated in a way I could not. I spent the next couple of hours reading the book as I waited at the airport. What I received from reading this book helped me in so many ways in the days to come. What could have been a major negative disappointment for missing my flight was a life changing experience. Our attitude really does determine whether we will or we won’t be average.

3. Talk positively.

It is absolutely critical that you stop using negative terminology, for how you speak has a profound effect upon your life. Your spoken words become rooted in your conscious mind, but with repetition, they are driven deeply into your subconscious mind. It is here that your words become the guiding force, if not the controlling force in your life. Words have creative power. It is out of the abundance of our subconscious mind that we speak and perform. So, eliminate negative words and statements from your vocabulary.

Of course it’s not easy. We are surrounded by average people who are negative thinkers and negative talkers. I read that one corporate survey discovered the dismal fact that in the average workplace today, nine negative words are spoken for every positive word. You have to avoid being with that crowd.

A positive attitude may not prevent all your difficulties or solve all your problems, but this I know: a positive attitude will get you through your problems a great deal faster with a lot less hassle.

Are you ready to change? What do you see in your future? Is it a beautiful sunrise with you living a life of financial and personal freedom? Or, is it another average day, doing the average things, making an average salary, living in an average house with a mortgage payment, and living around other average people?

There is hope for a brighter future. You can change your attitude, set new goals, and get you life back on track and secure your future. I would like to help you. Go to and register for instant access to my free guide on how to say “yes” to your full potential.

Make a list of the things that are holding you back from living out your vision. Give me a call at 866-801-8387. Lets talk about how I can help you become a successful entrepreneur and develop a blueprint for generating an income that will give you the lifestyle of your dreams.

A Fresh Start


Sometimes we all need a second chance to start fresh. I’m not a very good golfer. In fact, usually my golfing buddies will hear me say, “I’ll take a mulligan.” You know what a mulligan is, don’t you? If your first shot on the first hole is a bad one, you can pull out another golf ball, tee it up, smile, and say, “I’ll take a mulligan!” That means you’re starting over. You get a second chance to hit a good shot and your first shot doesn’t count against you.

A clean slate. The opportunity to start over. The chance to do better. Can we do that? Is it possible to take a “mulligan” and start fresh in life? Maybe you failed in a business. Maybe you are divorced or lost your job. Maybe you feel your life is okay, but it’s not what you want it to be. Is is possible to start over?

Yes, you can, but one thing you will find most difficult about making a fresh start is actually letting go of the past. It is difficult to let go of the past failures, the past attempts, the past defeats, and the past disappointments. Actually the past can be one of your worst enemies you have when trying to make a fresh start. Is it okay to let it go and start fresh?

The answer is “yes” we can. In the Bible, Isaiah 43:18-19, we read – “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”

Five Things You Must Do For a Fresh Start

  1. Forget the former things. The things of the past will only weigh you down and keep you from where you are going. When you can’t sleep for thinking about the past, it prevents you from grasping the future squarely and moving on. There will always come a point at which you must cease to stay stuck in the past or it will define you and mark every step you take.
  2. Forgive yourself. If you look in the mirror and you don’t like the person you see, then you need to forgive yourself and learn how to love the person that God has made in you! This is a stronghold on you, or an incorrect thinking pattern, that needs to be torn down in your mind. The past is the past. Your past failures do not define your destiny. You can learn from your mistakes, but don’t beat yourself up over them.
  3. Do not dwell on the past. Dwelling on the past just jumbles your mind with garbage. There is no room for garbage when making a fresh start. Legionary country singer Johnny Cash is quoted as saying, “You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.” Life can be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. The past should only be viewed with gratitude for the good things and lessons you have learned. Look backwards with gratitude and forward with confidence. Your past is the start of your new beginning.
  4. Acknowledge the fresh start is a gift. Don’t miss it. Set some new goals. Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future and motivating yourself to turn your vision into reality. The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life, use your past experiences as stepping stones into precisely what you want to achieve. Setting new goals helps you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. You don’t have time to dwell on the past because you are too busy focusing on your goals.
  5. Decide to take control. It is the power of a decision that is the ultimate power. The decisions we make have the power to empower, advance, frustrate, derail, or change us, depending on what we choose. But, we do have to choose and make the decision. Not making a decision is still a decision. When we decide to ignore the problems and keep living in the past, we decide to not take control of our lives and move forward.

You can’t change your past but you can change your present. This is not easy and there is not a quick fix. It will take self-control and willpower, but if you summon your courage then you will be able to do it.

It was not too long ago that I came back to America from teaching in China for three years. I was unhappy. I had too much energy and I was not ready to retire. I could not live in the past. I felt that I needed a brand new start. I made several changes in my life and I had to forget some past failures and forgive myself for the mistakes I had made. I had to get a new vision for where I wanted to go and find what I wanted commit my life to do. I had to set new goals and get focused a new plan of action.

Was it easy? No, it was not. But now as I look back on it, I see that it was one of my best decisions. As I considered the change I wanted to make, I set a new purpose and that is to help ordinary people live an extraordinary life.

You see, as a business coach, I had seen situations of career frustration and people living a life out of control. I have seen people who have fears about what’s going on in the world around them and they want to take back control and live a financially free lifestyle. This is what I am committed to do. I am helping them walk in their dreams.

What do you see in your future? Is it a beautiful sunrise and you living a life of financial and personal freedom? Or, is it the realization that another day has dawned on your present reality?

There is hope for a brighter future. You can make a fresh start. I have helped countless people get their life back on track and secure their future, and I would like to help you. Go to and register for instant access to my free guide on how to say “yes” to your full potential.

After reading it, make a list of the things that hold you back from living out your vision and give me a call at 866-801-8387. Lets talk about how I can help you become a successful entrepreneur and develop a blueprint for generating an income that will give you the lifestyle of your dreams.

Power To Decide To Take Control


What does it take for a person to make the decision that enough is enough and change from where they are to where they want to go? What does it take for a person to admit that they are where they are because of the choices they have made in the past and make a different choice to change their future?

As we study history, we see that the main difference in the lives of individuals comes down to one thing: an ability to harness our power to make a decision. Small decisions along the way keep us on track, but it’s the major decisions that set the course of our life. We see that many times that major decision is often made in spite of adverse conditions.

The history of our world is the result of these kind of decisions. It was the power of decision that caused Rosa Parks to remain in her seat and say, “No, I will not go to the back of the bus.” It took a forceful decision to compel an unarmed man to stand in front of a tank at Tiananmen Square. It was the strength of decision that led President John F. Kennedy to declare that an American would be first to walk on the moon by the end of the 1960s.

Henry Ford who invented the automobile went broke five times before he succeeded in business. A newspaper fired Walt Disney because they said he lacked ideas and he went broke before building Disneyland. Theodore Roosevelt lost his mother and his wife on the same day in 1884 before he went on to become a war hero and later became president of the United States. The power to decide is the overriding factor that changes the course of history, and each of these men rewrote their life and became successful through the power of a decision to never give up.

It is the power of a decision that is the ultimate power. The decisions we make have the power to empower, advance, frustrate, derail, or change us, depending on what we choose. But, we do have to choose and make the decision. Not making a decision is still a decision. When we decide to ignore the issue, we decide to not take control of our lives.

I hope that understanding this powerful truth is the springboard to your future. You can start here and go anywhere you want to. God has placed within each of us the potential and opportunity for success. Yet it takes just as much effort to live a negative and defeated life as it does to live a positive and victorious life. Still, millions of people lead aimless lives in prisons of their own making, simply because they haven’t decided what to do with their lives.

The Bible teaches in Proverbs 29:18 that “Where there is no vision the people perish.” To live a defeated and meaningless life is not God’s plan for you. Dissatisfaction and discouragement is not the absence of having “things.” It is the absence of vision.

What does it take for a person to make the decision that enough is enough and change their life from where they are to where they want go? It takes having a vision for the future and making a decision not to give up in the pursuit of it.

American author, John Mason writes, “You can predict a person’s bright future by his awareness of his destiny. Life’s heaviest burden is to have nothing to carry. The significance of any person is determined by the cause for which he lives and the price he is willing to pay.”

Your vision and perseverance will determine how you spend your life. Do not take lightly the dreams and hopes God has given for your life. With purpose and determination, you will prevail against the odds and live your destiny.

You may be reading this and feel inspired and motivated to change. You get excited for a few hours or days and think, “Yes, I’m ready to do it. I’m ready to make my life better. I’m tired of living this way.” You want to take control of life.

It is like being on a large ship and you start looking around for the ship’s steering wheel and a someone to help you turn it. How can you turn the cruise ship of your life and redirect it toward a better tomorrow?

It is true that it is such a cumbersome and daunting undertaking, when you consider altering your life in some significant way that will make it more passionate, exciting, and meaningful.

Your life is lumbering along and you stand on deck and consider either changing course or keep going in the same direction you have been going. You are too afraid to turn the wheel or jump ship entirely. You wonder how you can change the course and start over without sinking the ship or hitting an iceberg. Every change you contemplate is fraught with ”what if’s” and the potential consequences. The more you consider your escape plan from your circumstances and the path to your vision, the more things pop up to deter you.

You begin to fear: “I’m not really sure what I want to do.” “I don’t know if this change will be any better than the life I have now.” “What if I fail completely?” “What if my family has to suffer or gets angry with me?” “It takes so much time and energy.” “My life is good enough.” “What if people think I’m crazy?” “Am I being selfish or ungrateful?”

The vision is there. You have it clear in your mind what you want your life to become, but you have to make the decision to change. You have to decide. You can stay on course and let someone else make the decisions and let it carry you along in the same direction you’ve been cruising for years. Or, you can realize that you are the captain of your ship and make the decision to take control and change direction.

Being captain of your own ship requires leadership and courage. It requires charting the best course and doing what needs to be done to keep going in spite of storms and rough seas. It requires having a vision of your passionate future and remaining determined to get there no matter what.

Are you ready to decide to be the captain of your ship? Are you ready to take full and complete responsibility for the course of your life and become the decisive leader who has a vision for where you want to go? Are you ready to chart the best route to get there and are you willing to weather the storms of life to make it happen?

If you are ready to grab the wheel and turn your life on a different course, let me help you. Go to and register for instant access to my free guide on how to say “yes” to your full potential. After reading it, make a list of the things that hold you back from living out your vision, and give me a call at 866-801-8387. Lets talk about how I can help you become a successful entrepreneur and develop a blueprint for generating an income that will give you the lifestyle of your dreams.

Your Own Worst Enemy

ImageIn the 1600’s Rene Descartes famously reasoned, “Cogito ergo sum,” which is Latin for “I think, therefore I am.” And, in the Bible in the book of Proverbs 3:27, we read, “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

How many of us have truly absorbed the significance of these statements? The significance is that we will eventually become what we think. We can’t think one thing and become something else. If we allow ourselves to think negative worried, fearful thoughts, then we will become a negative, worried, fearful person. We cannot think defeat and expect to have victory. We cannot think poor and expect to obtain wealth. We cannot think the worst about a situation and expect the best. We have to be very careful and especially aware about what we allow our mind to think about, and what we choose to dwell on.

We have a tendency to be our own worst enemy and we sabotage our own success. Have you ever entertained thoughts like, “I will look like a fool.” “I’m not experienced enough to do it.” “It’s too hard.” “It’s too much work.” “I’ll start it later.” “I don’t know if I can.” “If only I had more time.” “If only I had more money.” “What if I don’t succeed?”

Most all of us have at one time of the other heard an inner voice telling us these things or something similar to it. It happens when we are thinking about trying something new or making some sort of change. It also happens when we are get off track and not reaching our goals. It happens when we try to justify our current circumstances. When we think these things, we are sabotaging ourselves. We all have a Self-Saboteur who is working against us.

Our Self-Saboteur is that inner voice that rises up whenever we try to step forward to make a change in our life, whether it be a big change or a small one. Some of us are familiar with him and choose not to listen, while others do not even recognize that he is active and controlling their life. Many times we excuse him and call him our “intuition” who is protecting us from getting hurt.

But the truth is that he not protecting you, he is preventing you from achieving your dreams or moving your life forward in a positive way. Your Self-Saboteur is not your friend. He is a very powerful force working within you. We all have a self-sabotaging inner voice that tries to hold us back. He is preserving the status quo. It is the Saboteur’s job and he takes it very seriously.

Is it any wonder that when you decide to move your life forward in a positive way, your Self-Saboteur is awakened like a sleeping giant? The bigger the dream and the more you want to move forward, the louder the voice the Self-Saboteur becomes.

The most valuable weapon the Self-Saboteur uses on us is the force of fear. Fear is a force just like faith is a force. If you give into fear and start to dwell on that junk and start to act on it, that fear can actually bring things to pass just like faith can bring things to pass. What you think on, you will become. If you think with the force of fear, it will defeat you. If you think with the force of faith, you will experience victory.

The Bible tells us to dwell on “things that are pure and honest and of a good report” (Philippians 4:8). Things that will build us up, not tear us down. In other words, we have to dwell on the positive and not the negative.

As a business and life coach I have seen this in nearly every situation I counsel. I see this as something that causes significant harm to people meeting their full potential. Meeting our full potential means that we have to stop listening to our Self-Saboteur and start taking control of our mind because what we think is what we will eventually become. We have a choice and we must choose to dwell on what we want to become.

Stop thinking about what you don’t have and start thinking about what you do have. Stop thinking about what’s wrong with you and start thinking about what’s right with you. Stop thinking about how big your problem is and start dwelling on the fact of how many problems you have overcome in the past and that you will overcome this one, too. Stop thinking about the challenges and start thinking on the possibilities. Learn to live a grateful life and always focus on the positive and not the negative.

If you have ever participated in sports as a player or observer, whether in baseball, soccer, volleyball, tennis or golf, our focus is on the ball. We have to do the same in life. Keep your eye on the dream. Don’t think about the fear and the “what ifs.” Allow faith take over. When we do, we will start to feel less stress. We will see anxiety, worry, stress, body tension, frustration, and some physical symptoms start to disappear. Without you Self-Saboteur interfering, we allow ourselves to create the lives we want with more happiness, purpose, and fulfillment.

Let me help you learn how to conquer your own worst enemy. Go to and register for instant access to my free guide on how to say “yes” to your full potential. After reading it, make a list of the things that hold you back from your potential and that get you off track. Then, give me a call at 866-801-8387 and lets talk about how I can help you become a successful entrepreneur and develop a blueprint for generating an income that will give you the lifestyle you deserve.

Free To Choose Yourself

ImageSome time ago someone sent me a YouTube video, ( The video is about Nick Vujicic, a man with no arms and no legs, who spoke to a group of high school students encouraging them to meet whatever challenges they face with courage and determination. Here is a man who was born tremendously handicapped and has every excuse to fail, but with a positive attitude, courage, and determination, he lives an active and fulfilled life with his wife and child and inspires audiences all over the world.

I read in the news about criminals and heroes from all walks of life and from every type of background and heritage and wonder why it is that some are heroes and why some never fulfill their own great potential and be what they were intended to be.

I have concluded that at the end of the day, the greatest common denominator to your own personal success is you!

Your health, your relationships, your work ethic, your tendency to save or spend, and perhaps most important, your attitude are all determined by you. As Jim Rhon, the American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker, has said, “Your own personal philosophy and decisions have the greatest impact on how your life works out.”

Some issues in life may seem very big, but our freedom to choose and make choices overrides any other outside force in our life. It is true that when you have the power of choice it’s hard to be a victim.

Some people around the world do not have the freedom to choose as we do. In some of the war torn countries, often times the biggest challenge the people are solving for themselves and their community is where their next meal is coming from. Disease on top of drought, hunger, theft and corrupt government interference are all there pressing down on them every day, making survival the highest priority. Freedom is a little known concept, much less the concept of success.

When I read about these things, I am very thankful for all the freedoms and luxury I have here, including the power of choice.

As a business and life coach for the past 30 years, I have seen this over and over. A leader, whether it is leading his/her family, business, or being a team leader at work, complaining about the situation rarely works. Only personal transformation has any impact on others and most importantly on ourselves.

The only thing we have absolute power over is our own personal choices. Choices of attitude, thoughts, habits, work ethic, health, money, success, or failure are within our own power. Whether we choose to stay where we are and commiserate over our circumstances, or we choose to take the steps to change those circumstances is completely within our freedom to choose to do so.

The decision is ours and ours alone. To create our own future or be a victim to all the things out there that desires for us to give up our greatest gift – our power of choice – is entirely upon our own shoulders.

I invite you to make a choice today to take a step out of where you are and dare to dream of a better tomorrow. Go to and register for instant access to my free guide on how to say “yes” to your full potential. After reading it, make a list of the things that hold you back from your potential and that get you off track. Then, give me a call at 866-801-8387 and lets talk about how I can help you become a successful entrepreneur and develop a blueprint for generating an income of at least $10,000 a month. You are free to make the right choice.

Little Things Mean A Lot

ImageThere is no doubt that one of the great differences between success and failure is the importance placed on little things. There is a reason why some people of equal talent do not have equal success, and sometimes a person of less talent will have greater success than someone who is multi-talented.

Does the smallness of an action or the little bit of work that might seem insignificant keep you from doing it? I confess that sometimes it does me, but this is where I also oftentimes get into trouble.

Many times it’s the little things that mean the most in terms of relationships, helping others, building a super functioning team, and making a difference in the world.

In 1953, a popular song, “Little Things Mean a Lot,” was written by Edith Lindeman and Carl Stutz. Kitty Kallen recorded the hit song in 1954. Oh, I know it’s an oldie, but the meaning still holds true today. The little things we do really mean a lot.

I know that I talk a lot about having big dreams, setting high goals, and living a life of freedom, but those things do not come instantly and we can’t reach the top of the ladder without first taking the small steps at the bottom. I dream of doing big things. I dream of doing award-winning, game-changing, havoc-wrecking things. I want to be the best, do the greatest, have the shiniest, be the most important.

I don’t want to a give small amount of money to charities to help educate a child. – I want to start a foundation that provides scholarships to ensure a good education for families who can’t afford it. I don’t want to place ads, develop training materials and sell coaching programs to help people get their life back on track. – I want to make a big impact on large groups of people, make a million dollars, and provide jobs for people who help me with administrative work. I don’t want to write blogs and inspirational articles like this one. I want to write a book that stays on the New York Times Bestseller list for the next three years.

But, as I stare and gaze at all of the big things I want to do, I loose sight of what really matters. I lose sight of the small things.

When we do small things, they are so minuscule, it hardly seems to make any difference at all. Does my small monthly donation to sponsor a child in India really matter? It barely helps buy textbooks, much less make any real dent in how much is needed to done. Does exercising three times a week for only 30-45 minutes really help me? I barely break a sweat. How could it matter? Does choosing to smile, in spite of how I feel inside, help anyone at all? Does recycling my water bottle really make any kind of difference in the environment? It is only one bottle. Does choosing to show love to someone really matter? Will anyone feel it? Will anyone care? Does any of this make a difference?

The answer is “yes.” Little things mean a lot. The crazy thing about doing the small things every day is that it all adds up.

I’m sure you’ve heard of compounded interest. Put $100 a month into an account that compounds monthly, with an average 6% return. Do it every month for 30 years. Guess how much money you will have in that account- $100,953.76. Average a 10% return and the sum goes up to $227,932.53. Although the percent return is out of your hands, the question is what do you choose to do with $100 a month. What could you do be a quarter of million dollars right now?

What matters more than money, though, are the small things we can do for people. Don’t just do the small things expecting that some day it will add up to so much that someone will finally notice. Maybe they will or maybe they won’t. The chances are that nobody will ever notice all of your small things you do. You may never be featured on the TV news show “60 minutes,” and you may never be awarded the honor of being “Person of the Year.” You will probably not win a Grammy, an Emmy, or an Oscar.

But, getting noticed doesn’t matter. What does matter is the person on the receiving end of the kindness and the small things we choose to do. It matters to us and it matters for the few people who benefit from the good things we do. Every single little thing we do today matters. It is worth it.

How do you live the lifestyle of your dreams and gain financial freedom? It’s doing the little things that you can do now.

One of those little things is going to and registering for instant access to my free guide on how to say “yes” to your full potential. After reading it, the next small thing is making a list of the things that hold you back from your potential and that get you off track. Then, the next small thing you can do is call me at 866-801-8387 and lets talk about how I can help become a successful entrepreneur and develop a blueprint for generating an income of at least $10,000 a month.

It’s the small things we choose to do every day that make a major difference in the whole scheme of our life.

Start Your Day With The Right Mindset

ImageDo you say, “Good Morning, Lord?” Or, do you say, “Good Lord, it’s morning?” Your attitude when you start your day determines the outcome for the rest of your day. If you have big goals and you start your day with a chaotic and stressed schedule, how will you accomplish the things you need to do during the day? You may need a “makeover” of your early morning routines to make these goals happen. Big goals require the right mindset.

There are many people who fail to realize their dreams because they simply don’t have the right mindset to start with. It is not because their dreams are too big or too hard to reach, but without the right attitudes and positive frame of mind, the negative feelings and bad habits interfere with their actions. They approach their goals as mere fantasies with no real commitment for the outcome. They allow themselves to be overwhelmed and that keeps them from taking the important first steps. They lose sight of the fact that to accomplish big things in life you have to be faithful to the little things along the way.

Where does it start? I believe that it starts when you first start your day. Mornings are a great time for getting things done. You’re less likely to be interrupted than you would be later in the day, and your supply of willpower is fresh after a good night’s sleep. This makes it possible to turn your personal desires like exercise, visualizing your goals, and strategic thinking into real actions.

In Laura Vanderkam’s book, “What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast,” she asks the questions to help us reevaluate our own level of efficiency. By establishing the right habits and taking better stock of our time, we will be amazed at how our goals can be achieved.

Years ago, I held seminars on executive time-management. During that time I saw hundreds of calendars and schedules. From studying people’s morning habits, I learned that getting the most out of this time requires a step by step process. I recommend that if you follow some very simply steps, you are on your way to building morning habits that help you develop the right mindset and realize your goals.

1. Track your time – Part of spending your time better is knowing how you’re spending it now. If you have ever tried to lose weight, you know that nutritionists tell you to keep a journal of what you eat because it keeps you from eating mindlessly. It’s the same with time. Write down what you are doing as often as you can. I recommend that you try tracking a whole week. Why? The solution to early morning dilemmas is often found at other times of the day. As an example, you may be too tired because you have a habit of staying up late watching a late night show. That show can be recorded and watched at another time—possibly while you’re on the treadmill at 6:30 a.m.

As for the mornings themselves, you can be organized but still not be spending your time well. Question your assumptions. You may believe the assumption that “if you want to advance in your job, you have to get into the office before your boss.” This assumption may be because that’s what your father did. But, it could be that your boss may be disappointed that he doesn’t get the place to himself for an hour before employees arrive! You can make better use of your time than going early to drink coffee and visit with other co-workers.

2. Visualize the perfect morning – After you know how you are spending your time, ask yourself what a great early morning would look like. Maybe it would start with 15 minutes or so of quite time of inspirational reading and mediation, a few minutes of giving love to the family, going for a run or 15 minutes on the treadmill, followed by a hearty breakfast. I call it the morning ritual. It is. It may not a conscious thing and it may not be something that leads you to success, but you already have a morning ritual. Make a change and make a habit of doing the right things.

3. Think through your priorities – Next, its important to spend time going over your goals, reviewing your high leveraged activities, and tweaking your schedule for the rest of the day.

How can you bring about the right mindset and growth and mesh it with what you currently do? Don’t assume you can add new activities on top of the time you already spend or that you will have to get up earlier to make some big adjustments. If you fill the morning hours with important planned activities you will crowd out things that do not help you get in the right mindset and take more time than they should take.

It is easy to believe our own excuses, particularly if they are good ones. I used to say that I’m not a morning person. That was just an excuse. I learned to be a morning person. Pretend that there is nothing to stand in your way and list as many options as you can think of to make your early morning as productive as possible. Map out a morning schedule. What time would you have to get up and what time do you need to go to bed to get enough sleep? As for the mornings themselves, what would make your ritual easier? How can you ensure the right mindset for success and make the most of your time?

4. Build the right habits – This is the most important step. Turning a desire into a ritual requires willpower. How do you make it happen? One answer is to start slowly. Go to bed and wake up fifteen minutes earlier for a few days until this new schedule seems doable. Monitor your energy. Building a new habit takes effort, so take care of yourself while you are trying. Eat right and eat enough, and surround yourself with supportive people who want to see you succeed. Make a commit.

Also, feel free to reward yourself. Eventually habits produce their own motivation, but until then, external motivations like promising yourself tickets to an upcoming event can keep you moving forward. Keep in mind that your morning rituals should not be of the self-flogging variety. Choose things you enjoy, so your before breakfast ritual has the potential to become your favorite part of the day.

5. Make adjustments as necessary – Life changes. Sometimes we have to regroup, but the goal is to replace any rituals that no longer work for you with new ones that make you feel like every day is full of possibility. This is ultimately the goal.

Early mornings are not the best time to hear complaints and solve family issues. There are other times that are better suited to address these problems. Make your morning ritual the energizing part about getting the right mindset for success. A win in the morning creates a cascade of success. Believing that your actions matter is how the human mind learns optimism and hope. You can do a lot with the early morning hour. Whenever you are tempted to say you don’t have time for something, remind yourself that if you wanted to get up earlier, you could. These hours are available to all of us if we choose to use them.

Do you have the right mindset? Is your early morning ritual preparing you for success? If not, make some changes, but if so, you are ready to take the next step.

The next step is to get started on building the lifestyle of your dreams. How much income per month do you need to have to live a life of financial freedom? Now is the time to decide on some significant positive steps that will get you going, even if you are not now sure exactly what you should do or how to get it done.

If you are ready for the next step, you need to get counsel and help in getting the right mindset and a designing the blueprint for success. You may need help for finding the right “inspiration” on how to move forward with clarity and purpose. Let me help you develop the right mindset, clarify your goals, and develop your blueprint for making the income you need. Go to and get immediate access to my free guide on how to say “Yes” to your full potential. Then call me at 866-801-8387 and lets get you on the right road to living your dreams.



Attitude Is Everything


When I was president of a large manufacturing company I used to have weekly meetings with my staff. Sometimes I would start the meeting by asking, “What attitude are you bringing to this meeting?” Without the right attitude, usually very little is accomplished. At first when I asked the question, I saw mostly puzzled looks. Generally, people do not have much awareness of their attitude or realize how it affects their ability to think rationally or creatively. It affects how they think and how they communicate and work with others. Until there was an attitude adjustment, it was a mistake for me to continue the meeting. It was a waste of time and energy.

In his book “Attitude Is Everything,” Jeff Keller describes his findings after researching why some people are successful while others only have disappointing results. His main conclusion after interviewing hundreds of people is that having the positive, right attitude makes all the difference. It governs the way we perceive the world and the way the world perceives us. It causes us to take full advantage of our opportunities or brings about self-doubt and limits our abilities.

In my guide “Say “Yes” To Your Potential,” (you can download it free at I talk about how we make ourselves a P.O.T. (Prisoner of Thought) and how we stay locked behind bars of fear, embarrassment, tradition, social pressure, bad habits, and just playing it safe. It is a prison of our own making and it keeps us captive as sure as a heavily guarded federal prisoner. Attitude is the main ingredient in forming our belief system, and our belief system regulates who we believe we are and what we believe we can accomplish.

Years ago I was involved in conducting seminars and selling training materials written by Paul J. Meyer. This was a man who was a great motivation to me. Whenever Paul entered a room he took over the room with his energy and enthusiasm. Paul felt that there was no goal or obstacle too big. And he had this belief that whenever he would enter into a business or home to prospect or do business, he would imagine the red carpet being rolled out with trumpeters. He would imagine that the prospect couldn’t wait to do business with him and be his friend. He had this sort of attitude about everything and because of that attitude and expectation, his world sort of aligned itself with him. It was not just in business but it was in all areas of his life.

Personally, I do not find it easy to have this attitude and exude this type of confidence. I have to work at it. My personality is reserved. It is natural for me to assess people and situations, take charge, give commands, and get things done. Many times this rubs people the wrong way. This is why I have to consciously take charge of my own attitudes and how I deal with people and situations. When I do, my attitude changes and people are drawn to me for counseling and help with their business and getting their life back on track.

How do we this? How do we take charge of our attitude and bring it under control? I believe that it has several aspects, which help me to develop and have the right attitudes. It is not a one time thing. It takes practice and it takes developing the habit of thinking in the right way. Until we do, we cannot take control of our lives and unleash our incredible potential.

Here are my top 10 ways to develop right attitudes about ourselves, our world, and our life.

1. We have to develop a proper attitude about how we view our world, situation, and those around us. Do we see things positively or negatively? Is the glass half full or half empty? A positive attitude helps us cope more easily with the affairs of life. It brings optimism and makes it easier for us to avoid worry. When we adopt a positive attitude, we experience constructive changes and it brings more happiness and success.

2. We have to develop a genuine care and interest in others. This is a servant leader’s point of view. Do we seek out ways to serve and be a help to those around us? Do we consciously look for needs and find ways that we can meet that need? This servant leadership philosophy and set of practices enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world.

3. We have to develop the belief that we are a human magnet that causes people to be drawn to us. Tony Jeary, Mr. Presentation, says that “life is a series of presentations” and we must see ourselves making an inspiring and encouraging presentation whenever we encounter others. This also has to do with being a confident leader. Do people see us as a leader and want to follow us? What qualities of leadership do we have or need to develop? Ask yourself, “Would I be drawn to me?” If not, we have to learn how to develop those qualities of effective leadership that we are lacking. The more effective our leadership, the more people are drawn to us. 

4. We have to develop a commitment to what we set out to do. We need skills to succeed, but we can learn new skills – in fact a positive attitude will make it much more likely that we will learn the new skills and develop confidence. Whether we are committed to learn a new skill or accomplish some other task, we have to attack our responsibilities with great effort and with our whole heart and overcome any obstacle that gets in our way. A halfhearted commitment is no commitment at all. Commitment is like being pregnant; you either are, or you are not. If you are not able to commit to something, it is better to limit your time to what you can be committed to do. Being over committed brings about negative thinking. Developing good controls of our time energizes us and brings positive outcomes.

5. We have to develop the right perspective. Do we see problems, or do with see opportunities in our challenges? We can’t be brought down by the obstacles and situations in our life. We have to see these as opportunities for our personal growth and development. Ask yourself, “What am I suppose to learn through all of this?” This is what experience is all about. With experience, we see things differently. The more we learn about people, life, and circumstances, the better perspective we have. We must develop the attitude that we are not controlled by our circumstances, but rather make wise choices that takes away worry and regret.

6. We have to develop the ability to communicate effectively. Does what we say and how we say it communicate the true meaning in our heart? Our words blaze a path for our life. Our words create and have the power of life or death to situations and people around us. We have to learn how to create life, not death to ideas and circumstances in our life. As leaders we are called upon to communicate the vision, goals, and action plans. Without clarity in our own minds, how will we communicate effectively? We have to develop communications, which bring positive results instead of negative feelings.

7. We have to develop the right attitude about failure. We don’t truly fail until we stop trying. Success is merely a series of failures, analysis, adjustments, and retries. We persist to the very end. Many people are stopped in their tracks because of their fear of failure. Without the right attitude about failure, we will stay in our comfort zone. Outside our comfort zone is where innovation and great achievements are accomplished. Resisting to move outside our comfort zone brings about negative emotions and doubt.

8. We have to develop a positive support system. Do you have a mentor or coach? Every winning team has a good coach. If you want to win, you need to have a good coach to encourage you and help you exceed your own self-imposed limitations. Who are you hanging around with? Do they build you up, encourage you, inspire you to be better, or do they feed your negative thoughts? Winners run with winners. Losers run with other losers. The people in our world will define the positive or negative way we see it.

9. We have to develop a conscious effort of networking and being involved with others. Networking in the right circles gets us the results we need. There are at least five main benefits of networking. 1) Opportunity to share knowledge with others. I learn something new every time I am networking with others. 2) We become advised of new opportunities and we get great ideas. 3) Exposure to others and making valued connections. This is where winners meet winners. 4) By pushing ourselves to meet new people, we increase our confidence. 5) Being visible and getting noticed raises our profile in the mind of others. All of these things help us to maintain positive attitudes.

10. We have to develop a ritual of seeking divine inspiration and wisdom. By ritual, I mean making it a habit of tapping into sources of spiritual wisdom and inspiration. By reading books on leadership and success and listening to those we respect and who have blazed the trail before us, we become inspired and motivated to be better. Personally, in my quite time, I also find that music and the Bible are great sources for me.

A positive attitude is never automatic; we have to work at it. Having and maintaining a positive attitude is vital for our success in life and in business. Zig Ziglar got it right when he said, “It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude.”

A positive attitude – optimism, expectancy, and enthusiasm – will make everything in business and in our life easier. A positive attitude is a stimulus that will pick us up when we are down and energizes us when we are engaged in an activity.

I invite to visit my website at Examine the things that bring you down and has a negative impact on your attitudes. Write them down and take an honest look at how you can get back on track. Let me help.

Blessings and Abundance,

Ron Jobe



Being Filled With Purpose


In the Sower’s Seed, Brian Cavanaugh tells the story of how Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb Mount Everest. On May 29,1953, Hillary climbed 29,000 feet straight up. At that time Mount Everest was the highest mountain that we knew about. He received many honors because of his accomplishment, including being knighted by the Queen. He even had the opportunity to make several American Express Credit Card commercials. However, until we read his book, High Adventure, we don’t understand that Hillary had to grow into this success.

You see, this was not his first time to try. In 1952, he attempted to climb the mountain, but failed. A few weeks later, an organizational group in England asked him to address its members. He walked on stage to a thunderous applause because the audience was recognizing him for his attempt at greatness. However, Edmund Hillary did not see that he had accomplished anything. He saw himself as a failure.

With this going through his mind, he moved away from the microphone and walked to the edge of the platform. He made a fist and pointed at a picture of the mountain on the wall. He said in a loud voice, “Mount Everest, you beat me the first time, but I’ll beat you the next time because you’ve grown all you are going to grow…but I’m still growing!”

The world likes to see someone with determination, desire, and willingness to do the impossible. The world makes room for a person of purpose. When a person with purpose speaks, their words and actions demonstrate that they know where they are going and people want to follow a leader.

We are built to conquer circumstances, solve problems, and attain goals. This is our destiny. We will find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer, goals to achieve, and a purpose to accomplish. Life is an arena and we are the warriors. We have to fight for what is ours and we have overcome anything that gets in our way.
But, maybe you don’t see yourself in that way. Maybe you see yourself as a slave, not as a master. As soon as you resign yourself to this attitude and leave your future to luck, your resignation to the consequences is promptly accepted. If your method is “hit or miss,” you’ll usually miss. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” ― Henry Ford. You are who you say you are and you will conquer what you set out to conquer. Of course, that is if you have purpose, desire, and willing to persevere through the obstacles in your way. But, if you are afraid to even get in game, you are sure to lose.

Don’t be the type of person who doesn’t know where you’re going. The truth is you are on your way to somewhere, nonetheless. Know where you want to be. You must set the course, man the wheel, fight the waves, and reach your goal.

Growth for the sake of growth is meaningless. There are three types of people. The loser looks back. The wanderer looks around, but the winner looks forward. Go forward with definite purpose. With purpose, you can choose positive actions every day that will help you feel contented and fulfilled, and that will help you feel hopeful and excited to get up every morning.

Once your purpose is clear, decisions will jump at you. As W. Clement Stone said, “When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand up on you because it will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it.”
People say they want riches, but what they really need is fulfillment of a purpose. I’m encouraged by George Elliott, who said, “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” In your heart there is a sleeping lion called purpose. Awake and roar.

I invite you to visit my website at: Register for immediate access to my free guide on how to say “yes” to your full potential. If you want to talk, call me at 866-801-8387.