Good News – You don’t have to stay where you are.

I read something today in “MSN Money” that completely floors me. The article said, “According to a new report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, most people establish their lifetime earning power within the first ten years of their career. After age 35, income growth pretty much flattens, so if you haven’t struck it rich by then, it’s probably never going to happen.”

I don’t know that I’ve ever heard anything that is so foolish. The report may be correct, but in reality, it could not be further from the way it should be. After the age 35, you have so much more wisdom and understanding to more fully tap into your own potential. So, what’s the problem?

The problem is this: By the age 35, a person has experienced more failures in their life than they have successes. Consequently, instead of letting those failures be learning and stepping stones to a brighter tomorrow, he/she has allowed those failures to stop them from moving forward. What a shame.

If this is you, you need a fresh outlook and a renewed vision. You need to stop listening to John Q. Average and start listening to those who will empower you. You need a fresh start.

How do you do this? Read the article I wrote back in May, 2014, Learn how to take a “mulligan” and make a fresh start in your life.

Life has many challenges for everyone. The struggle is just to different degrees. One thing that I have found over the years is that people don’t believe they can do better and this is totally not true. You can do better. You can walk in better health, surround yourself with positive, confident people, and improve your finances through entrepreneurship.

Long after he had established himself as one of America’s leading businessmen, as well as history’s greatest steelmaker, Andrew Carnegie reflected that “We all live in the richest and freest country in the world, where no man is limited except by his own mental attitude and his own desires.” This is as true today as it was in his time.

The truth is you are not too old. Don’t fall for the lies being put out that things are so bad. They may be challenging for others but it doesn’t have to be that way for YOU. Don’t fall for the lie that there is not enough to go around, because there is.

It is not totally your fault that you may be having struggles and feel defeated. You see, you have been secretly programmed through the media that you can’t make it and that the American Dream no longer exists. Your belief system has be altered. You have been conditioned to give up on your dreams by the enemy of average thinking people.

If you change your thinking, your situation will seem to magically change.

I know this all sounds crazy but it is very true. If you study people that have achieved various degrees of success, all their stories are the same. THEY BELIEVED, even when no one else did. Even when they failed before, they still believed.

If you want to be an effective leader, you must first learn to lead yourself. Take control of your own destiny. Dare to dream again.

You don’t have to be poor and struggling, Just change your thinking and belief.

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